Underused Housing Tax: Increased Disclosures and Taxes

Underused Housing Tax: Increased Disclosures and Taxes

Underused Housing Tax (UHT): Increased Disclosures and Taxes, UHT is a 1% federal tax intended to apply to the value of vacant or underused residential real property owned by non-resident non-Canadians. However, many Canadian individuals and other entities are also...

2021 Tax Planning Tips

2021 Tax Planning Tips for the 2021 personal tax preparation season.  See below for a list of tax planning considerations. Please contact us for further details or to discuss whether these may apply to your tax situation. 1)   Certain expenditures made by individuals...
Withdrawing from Family RESPs

Withdrawing from Family RESPs

Withdrawing from Family RESPs: Flexible planning possibilities. A Registered Education Savings Plan is an excellent way to save for you children’s post-secondary education. (Check out our previous post, What is a Registered Education Savings Plan?) If you have...

What is a Registered Education Savings Plan?

What is a Registered Education Savings Plan? Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) are a simple and effective way to save for you child’s post-secondary education.  The main benefit of an RESP is its tax-advantaged nature. Similar to an Registered...